The Room Love Built
One of my best friends, a sister to me, was enduring a major personal struggle…fertility! We learned to drive together, cover up for one another; we traveled to Europe, shared secrets, and we laughed, cried and stood by each other’s side at each of our weddings. Through it all I was there for her, and she was there for me, but this was different! It started with a miscarriage, I thought it was just a little hiccup, I was WRONG!!! What transpired were years of surgeries, lots of hormones, shots, disappointments and……HEARTBREAK.
And to make matters worse, her sister got pregnant…and so did I. I held off telling her, I didn’t know how to tell her, I was scared, I was nervous and ashamed that it happened so easily for me, yet it was so painstakingly hard for her. I prayed for her, I knew she had lost faith, but I kept praying and in the meantime I had to tell her that I had a baby growing in me. We had an annual pre-Christmas tradition of meeting for dinner in Coronado. It was the same spot we met when her husband popped the question, and where we celebrated many life events…it was very bitter sweet.
Another year passed filled with surgeries, daily injections and bundles of hormones. They bought a house, a family car, and they pressed on. Then one day, my family and I were heading out of town and my best friend and her husband asked us to meet them for lunch; the sun was shining as we sat outside sipping our favorite iced tea. She looked so happy, but I couldn’t pry. I felt it, or did I just REALLY hope it? I knew, or did I just really want to know it to be true? SHE WAS PREGNANT!
What joy and excitement! My heart was ready to burst for them! What could I possibly do for them, give them, make them that would be special enough?! How could I show them how much this baby meant to everyone? A NURSERY…… and that’s what I did. I surprised them with a very special room for their very own little bundle of joy!